
Wednesday 8 August 2018

Reciprocal Reading

Reciprocal Reading Independent Activity

Name: Siosaia Liu                    Date: 08/ 08/ 18

Name of text: Marcus Thomas: New Zealand Caveman
Author: Susan Paris

Schema: (Prior knowledge) What do I already know about the topic? I know that…..
I know that Marcus Thomas is a New Zealand caveman and he likes to explore caves
wħen he was young.

Predicting: Looking at the pictures, the headings,captions,labels,etc. What do you think you will learn?
Why do you think that? I will learn about…. Because….
I think I will learn how he started exploring and how he got inspired to explore caves because i’m
curious about how he liked caving so much that he started a young age.

Clarifying: Write about a challenging “new” word. Is there a part that is confusing? How did you
clarify the confusion? I do not know what….means. I am confused about……
Speleological : The exploration and study of caves.
Stalactite: A tapering structure hanging like an icicle from the roof of a cave
Chambers: A large room used for a public event.

Questioning: Write one ‘right there’ question. Who, what, when,why. Write one ‘think and search
’ question. Compare/contrast, cause/effect, sequence.
How did he get inspired to explore caves? He got inspired by reading lots adventure stories and
a documentary that he watched

Summarising: Write down the ‘main idea’ and at least 3 details from the passage.
The main idea is How did he get into caving
The details are:
1.He read a lot of adventure stories and books about mountaineering.
2.He saw a documentary about the Nettlebed cave. That's when he found out he wanted to do caving.
3.He spent hours reading the maps of the caves.

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